Telekinesis and Psychokinesis - Mind Over Matter

Telekinesis is the ability to influence things using your mind and nothing else. You can use telekinesis to move objects, but you can also use it to manipulate time, space, and energy. Telekinesis can also be used to distort material items, and has been cited as the power used to manipulate random number generators.
The term telekinesis originated in 1890 with Alexander N. Aksakof, a Russian researcher who specialized in psychic phenomena. Telekinesis is also referred to as psychokinesis, which originated in 1914 with the book, On The Cosmic Relations, by Henry Holt, an American author. J. B. Rhine, the American parapsychologist, was a friend of Holt's, and began using the term in 1934.
Telekinesis was first used as a means to explain the movement of objects by ghosts, spirits, and the like. Later, when it was theorized that living human beings might actually be exerting the influence instead of deceased individuals, the term psychokinesis came into use. Psychokinesis differs from the original telekinesis in that telekinesis usually stipulated a spiritual setting or event, like the channeling of the dead, whereas psychokinesis could occur anywhere.
Other terms include:
  • anomalous perturbation
  • directed conscious intention
  • distant influencing
  • distant mental influence
  • remote influencing
  • remote mental influence
  • and mind over matter.
Professional parapsychologists prefer psychokinesis as a term, and some would like remove telekinesis from modern usage. However, popular culture has made telekinesis the more popular term to denote instances of mind over matter. Some cite its similarity to words like telepathy and teleportation.
Recently, telekinesis has again been established as one specific area of psychokinesis, and is used to cover only instances of moving stationary objects, as opposed to influencing time or causing spacial distortions. This was included as part of the Teleportation Physics Study done by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory in 2004.
For the most part, some would consider both telekinesis and psychokinesis interchangeable, but this recent development would mean that psychokinesis can be used as the more all-encompassing term, whereas telekinesis relates only to its pop culture usage (i.e., moving objects through no physical means).
Various people have claimed to possess telekinetic abilities, among them Nina Kulagina. Although there are videos showing her make use of her abilities, many remain skeptical.


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