ESP is Real?–Does This Mean We Are All Psychics!? (Wondering) video when the story broke
In January of 2011, a story broke about a study by Dr. Daryl J. Bem, which proves that ESP is real. This study was published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which is published by the American Psychological Association. The title of the article is “Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect”. A mouthful don’t you agree?
Wow! This published article is causing quite a stir, and throwing flames on the fire all over again on the ESP subject and debate.  The subject of ESP is controversial, and has been for, well, forever I guess. But this is the first time (?) a prominent, well-known, respected scientific publication has published something that says anything under the realm of ESP has been proven. And it’s about time!
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First, let’s talk definitions. ESP covers a few different terms here. Telepathy – which is a direct knowledge of another person’s thoughts. Clairvoyance -  is direct knowledge of remote events. Precognition – is a direct knowledge of the future or future events. ESP encompasses all these terms under it’s definition.
What exactly did these experiments on ESP find?  Well, to really sum it up – it shows that future events CAN AFFECT the performance of participants on various psychological tasks. So what does that really mean?
Our mind (or brain) can somehow be influenced by the future. That’s what this study supposedly is showing.
Let’s think about this for a minute. The future is reaching back in time, to reach our mind/brain to tell it to do something a certain way – because that’s what happens in the future? That’s what Dr. Bem is saying. The future is affecting how we think today! (which is in the past) I don’t think so people!
It is far more plausible to believe that OUR human brain is somehow influencing the “psychological tasks” in the experiments than anything else. We already know that we are growing brain cells onto tiny microchips in the search for making a true cyborg come true. And how many times have I read that brain cells and computer chips or processors work they same way and that’s why they are combining the two? Lots of times over the years I’ve read this. We have built, maybe subconsciously (?), our computer chips and processors to mimic the brain. If they are so much alike – then it is actually feasible that WE ARE AFFECTING the computer chips and not coming from the future. We are controlling the machines and the results! Hello! Anyone agree with me here?
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Look, I am an absolute believer in ESP, telepathy, and clairvoyance. I have had my own experiences with telepathy and precognition. So I know there is something to it. But from where or how? But how can a study prove that the future is the cause of a very narrow increase in results that are above chance? We can’t prove that! We will not ever be able to prove that it comes from the future. I just don’t believe that for a second. Why in the world would the future want to influence us today – the future already knows what happens! That would be like the future going back in time and re-influencing us all over again. Right?
Could there be another explanation for the results of this study (and many others that say ESP is real)?
Let’s say it is not our minds that is influencing the results and it’s not from the future. What else could it be? If the results truly are significantly above chance and there are no errors in math on the results – then what is the cause? I can see why they say IT MUST BE ESP somehow. What other reason could there be?
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There are some other explanations – but maybe not the most compelling of explanations. One would be time rifts or time slips. We momentarily slip into the future and “see” the future somehow – only for a second or two.
Another explanation is our brain. We know very little about how our brains work. We basically know nothing about our minds inner workings. We know we have dormant abilities, that possibly only a few can and actually, have tapped into. What if ESP is just a natural ability?
How about a glimpse of a parallel world? With the multi-verse theory becoming more and more probable, then maybe we are just seeing a glimpse into another parallel world and that’s why the results of the experiments are just slightly above chance. We didn’t get to see enough of the parallel world. Maybe it isn’t so clear anyway. Who knows – but highly probable. I believe it is a possibility that ghosts or spirits or whatever are real people – but just in a parallel world that we get to glimpse every so often. It would explain a lot. Another universe, parallel to ours, is probably only a few centimeters away from ours. These two universes (or branes in string theory) would have to hit or bump into each other occasionally – giving each universe a glimpse into the other. And this bumping into each other would give the effect of “not being solid” and disappearing in front of our eyes. Possible?
Another long shot of an explanation is alien intervention – but I know that is way off here. But you never really know.
I know we all want to be psychic deep down. It would be so cool. And maybe we all are actually psychic and don’t even know it. But one published paper does not make us all psychics. Let’s just wait a while longer before we bring out the crystal balls.
We’ve probably all experienced the knowledge of the phone ringing before it actually does, or who it is on the other line, or we think about someone from our past, then run into that person a few days later. Lots of instances of déjà vu occur every day. And many believe that déjà vu is really a form of ESP itself. So if it is – how does it work? Can we control it? Lots of questions with no answers.
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But pondering the questions about ESP, and now a great published article stating ESP is real, is very intriguing. And I assume the debate will continue and a new spark of interest will follow. There are always those that say that ESP is not real and will never admit to even the possibility – but who cares about them?
Until more studies are done and concrete evidence that many can agree on comes to light, we will for now have to say YEAH to the published article for all the world to see, but file it in the still unsolved realm for the future.
Tell me what you think. Do you think ESP is real? Have you had any experiences with ESP or Precognition or are you Clairvoyant? Let me know.



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